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If you have children, you know that they can be quite accident-prone. One of the accidents almost all children have at some point is chipping a tooth. Whether it’s from an unexpected fall or taking a baseball to the face, chipped teeth are common for children. The most important thing for you to remember when your child chips a tooth is to not panic. Panicking never makes the situation better and can make the entire experience, including any visits to the dentist, very traumatic for your child.

Schedule an Emergency Visit With Your Child’s Dentist

As soon as you realize that your child has chipped a tooth, call your pediatric dentist immediately to schedule an emergency evaluation. Even though a chipped tooth might seem like no big deal, sometimes there can be underlying damage that can lead to bigger problems later on. By visiting the dentist as soon as possible, your child will have the best chance of recovering from the injury without further issues. Don’t forget to take any tooth fragments you can find with you to the visit.

Rinse Your Child’s Mouth

Have your child rinse their mouth out completely with cold water to completely remove any tooth fragments, blood, or other foreign objects still in the mouth. The cold water will also help reduce any swelling.

Apply a Cold Compress

To further reduce any swelling from the injury, apply a cold compress to your child’s mouth in the area where the chipped tooth is located. Only leave the cold compress on for 15 minutes at a time and never put ice directly against the skin…always put some type of barrier in between like a washcloth.

Give Your Child a Soft Diet

Until you can get to the dentist, and even after the dentist visit until your child’s discomfort has subsided, give your child a soft diet to minimize irritation and reduce the risk of future injury. A soft diet includes things like puddings, soups, smoothies, scrambled eggs, and mashed potatoes.

Give Ibuprofen as Needed

If your child is in pain from the chipped tooth injury, you can give them the appropriate amount of ibuprofen for their weight, assuming they are not allergic or otherwise contraindicated. If in doubt, consult with your pediatrician or pediatric dentist before giving any medications.

Monitor for Future Issues

After your child has been checked out by a pediatric dentist, it’s still important to monitor them for any signs of infection, pain, or other issues. Advise them to avoid hard foods and take fall precautions to avoid future injuries. For toddlers, monitor them closely while walking until they are steady on their feet, and keep them away from hard or sharp surfaces.


It’s also important for your child to visit the dentist at least twice each year for exams and cleanings. Proper routine dental care is the best thing you can do to help your child have great dental health for the rest of their life!

Frequently Asked Questions About Early Dental Care

When should my child start visiting the dentist?

Children should have their first dental visit with a qualified pediatric dentist when their first tooth begins to emerge or by their first birthday, whichever comes first.

What type of toothpaste should my toddler use?

Toddlers should brush twice daily just like mom and dad, but always use fluoride-free toothpaste that is specially designed for toddlers and young children.

Chipped Tooth Care for Children in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Does your child need emergency dental care for a recently chipped tooth? Briarcliff Children’s Dentistry & Orthodontics is here to help your child navigate the new world of child-focused dental care. We can make sure their chipped teeth haven't caused more serious problems, educate them on proper dental care, and make sure they leave our office with a smile every single time. For more information or to make an appointment, call us at 914-762-6260  or contact us online today!

Most pediatric dentists recommend that children ages 12 months and up visit the dentist at least twice yearly. Some dentists recommend more frequent visits. Babies should start visiting a pediatric dentist when their first tooth emerges, usually before 12 months.

Benefits of Early Dental Care

Children Feel More Comfortable

When children visit the dentist early, they build warm, trusting relationships with practitioners. Positive experiences at the dentist build a sense of confidence and security. Children who receive early care are less likely to develop dental anxiety or phobia in later life.

Track Development

Pediatric dentists can track a child's oral development and detect any potential issues that may arise in later years.

Detect Problems at Earlier Stages

Regular visits enable pediatric dentists to find problems like tooth decay before they become severe. The sooner these issues receive treatment, the more likely the child can continue to enjoy excellent oral health.

Support Lifelong Oral Health

Children who receive early dental care grow into adults with better oral health. They maintain positive home care habits and enjoy better outcomes. They have lower rates of tooth decay, gum disease, and other potentially costly problems.

How A Pediatric Dental Visit Works

The dentist may order X-rays for older children, though these are generally limited in younger children unless the child has a history of tooth decay.


The next step is teeth cleaning. The dentist or hygienist uses a gentle polishing tool to remove plaque and stains.


Next, the dentist performs a complete oral exam. The dentist checks the teeth for proper development and looks for possible problems. If the doctor ordered X-rays, they will review them.


Pediatric dentists and hygienists teach children and parents how to care for their teeth at home properly. They answer questions about feeding and childhood habits.


The visit typically ends with a fluoride treatment. Many pediatric dentists today use a varnish that hardens upon contact with saliva and is safe for the youngest children.

Frequently Asked Questions About Early Dental Care

Why should I choose a pediatric dentist over a family dentist?

Pediatric dentists receive three years of extra training and education to teach them to work with children. They make dental visits fun and engaging. Their offices center around children's needs, with special child-sized equipment for comfort.


Pediatric dentists have special skills for calming, distracting, and comforting anxious patients. They also have a gift for teaching children important lessons about their oral health in a gentle, memorable way.

Should I brush my baby's teeth?

It's essential to clean your baby's teeth. Before the first teeth emerge, gently wipe the gums with a damp baby washcloth after each feeding. When the baby's teeth appear, brush them with a soft infant toothbrush and a tiny smear of children's fluoride toothpaste. Brush twice a day.

Call Briarcliff Children's Dentistry and Orthodontics

We can help you introduce your child to dental care and start them on the path toward lifelong oral health. Please call our Briarcliff Manor, NY, office at 914-762-6260 to schedule an appointment today.

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77 Sunset Dr
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
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